Saturday, August 22, 2009

Vishal -The Enigma..............................

Vishal is an "enigma" an unsolved puzzle to be precise.A flamboyant persona full of energy and zeal to succeed.Though we declare ourselves best friends I am sure like me even he is struggling to come to terms with it.We have been big time planners right from our school days building castles in air.Often during the planning stage itself we would say to ourserlves this is never gonna happen but none of us would admit that on paper.

Vishal has always been a shy guy when it comes to something like speaking in public since childhood but he says he has grown in confidence offlate though I have my own doubts about it."ELOCUTION COMPETITION" is something we both dreaded.I remember once I gathered all the courage on earth and finally managed to convince myself to take part in this frightening event and gladly informed my dear friend about it.But one look at Vishal and I was forced to change my thoughts.I still remember the words he told me "Saale Gaddar" I remember it vividly since I feel that was a turning point in my life or else I would have been the greatest orator on this planet................

Finally for the first time we have come up with joint venture after a lot of planning as usual and this time we went one step ahead and actually put it on paper........

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